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How to Apply

Follow these Steps

How To Apply: Available Pets

Join Our Email List

Please join our email list! Once you join, I will send emails about upcoming litters, birth announcements, and info on applications. I won’t fill your inbox with anything else. Once a female is confirmed pregnant, or once a litter is born, I will send an email making the announcement and let you know the date I will open my applications (this will vary from litter to litter based on the mama, how many times she’s given birth, etc). The email list will have access to the application link for the first 24 hours before announcing it publicly on my website, so make sure you join the email list.


I will send an email with the application once we are accepting deposits on a litter. After you apply, if approved, I will schedule a quick phone call just to answer any questions you may have and make sure we are a good fit for one another. If your application is approved, and once all your questions are answered, and we both want to move forward, I will let you know what puppy pick number is available. 

Submit Deposit

If you choose to move forward after the application process you will submit your $500 non-refundable deposit and reservation fee agreement. We will only take so many paid deposits before the litter is born. If we have already taken our max number of deposits you can be placed on our standby list and will then be contacted if we have more puppies then deposits after whelping. The number of deposits we will take before puppies are born will vary per litter depending on the mama, how many we see on the ultrasound, etc. Once the reservation fee is paid and form is signed, your spot on our litter list is reserved!! 

Count Down to Gotcha Day!

Once you are on the litter list, we will send you emails/ text messages to prepare for your puppy, and have access to the litter’s photos, characteristics, and temperament assessments tests to watch them grow and get to know them! Puppy picking will be done after 7 weeks of age, with puppies being picked in order of deposits recieved. Gotcha Day will be when puppies are 8 weeks old and after they have gone to the vet to be examined and vaccinated.

Your remaining balance will be due upon pick-up in cash. There will also be a contract to sign (which includes a spay/neuter clause within 12 months and health guarantee), and a puppy pack of goodies to take home with you! 

☆Important Reminders☆:

As the Breeder we reserve the right to first and second pick of every litter. We may not always choose to keep these spots and will move up people on the list and fill the other spots as necessary.

If at ANY POINT, the breeder feels you are no longer a safe or “right fit” for our puppies, we reserve the right to stop the process and no longer sell to you. Our puppies’ safety and well-being is our highest priority.

Commonly Asked Questions:

•What if I submit my deposit for a litter and something comes up?                            - If you reserve a spot on a litter and have to back out, we will hold your deposit and reach back out with future litter availability once. After reaching back out once in an attempt to place you on a litter then your deposit will be forfeited.  •How much are your puppies?                     - All of our puppies regardless of coat color, size, etc are $1800. For more information about our pricing and what is included check out our pricing page.      •I do not live near you, can I still get a Meant to B.E.E poodle?                               - Of Course! You can fly in to pick up your puppy at our local airport Fairbanks International Airport, or you can hire a flight nanny service to deliver your puppy to you! 

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